Investire in democrazia

Al centro del confronto, il percorso che dovrebbe portare ad una piena attuazione del dettato costituzionale, che all’articolo 49 It recognizes the political parties and their function, "Contribute through democratic processes to determine national policy" without which the legislature has regulated organically, in nearly seventy years of republican life, the forms of association and also financing. We will also discuss the various bills deposited in Parliament on the subject.

Giuliana Manica, President of the Regional Assembly of the Democratic Party Piedmont;
l’on. Anna Rossomando, Secretary of the Bureau of the Chamber;
Sen.. Ugo Sposetti, first signatory of the bill 1.852 on the topic.

Bring greetings Mauro Gavinelli, provincial secretary of the Democratic Party Novara.

To moderate the meeting will be
Alberto Reda, Chairman of the Board of the Foundation Novara of the Left Democrats.